Airless Paint Sprayer
The FSG Airless is a high-performance spraying device with piston pump for processing paints and pasty fillers. The machine is mainly used in facade construction and interior applications. High-quality work is possible due to uniform application of the target materials on the basis of the continuous material supply.

The FSG M4.0 airless paint sprayer isparticularly suitable for smooth surfaces.A smooth spray product is achieved evenon hard-to-reach areas, such as beams orcorners.
The FSG 6.5 airless paint spraying system with
a piston pump has been specially professional use
in new construction, for major renovation work
or even for medium-sized objects.

With the FSG 8.3 airless paint sprayer, a delivery rate of up to 8.8 liters/min is achieved thanks to themassive piston pump. This makes it possible to work effortlessly with longer hoses or larger nozzles ofup to 0.045”.